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Highly critical and complex projects saved in public clouds?

Here, we design everything ranging from new projects on existing clouds to the creation of a completely new cloud. Focused in structuring, implementing, designing and improving your cloud to fit all your necessities and we work hard to impress. And with our solid partnership with AWS we can go beyond, working together to bring the best solutions. We always believed in driving the adoption of newer technologies to optimize business results. And with the Cloud it couldn't be anything different. We work with the most diverse solutions and our AWS partnership always helps us to be on cutting edge.

The adoption of “Serverless” architecture is still in its beginning stages in Brazil, and is something we always explore. It has a lot of benefits and it ends up being a good decision, But it always needs to be analyzed as a solution as a whole - there are a few situations where it's contraindicated.

Infrastructure as Code
Automation can be done in various ways, but nothing beats managing your infrastructure as if it were your application's code. Yes, there's versioning in Git, there are tests, there's a release pipeline, and more. And the benefits? They are numerous, but among them, we have centralized management, assurance of consistency across environments, agility in provisioning new environments, and the ease of rolling back to previous versions of the infrastructure.

One of the things we've noticed with the adoption of cloud is that cost management is very complicated. Everything is so easy to create that it's often easy to lose control as well. That's why our team is always on the watch about the cost impacts of each action. Even so, it's always good to periodically review, so we conduct a thorough analysis of expenses, listing activities for cost reduction, whether they are on the technical side - removing resources, migrating to new instance families, tuning configurations, etc. - or on the commercial side - instance reservations, Savings Plans, etc.

Another effect of the ease of the cloud is letting go of organization. That's why it's good to have a well-done project from the beginning, so everything has its proper place. It's possible to separate accounts by environment, each with its network. It's also important to pay special attention to tags, which make life easier in cost control. And if we work with the Infrastructure as Code concept, it gets even better; this way, you can ensure all these points directly in the code, and nothing goes up missing by mistake.

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